Reasons to Attend the DNB OSCE Course by Conceptual Orthopedics


Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The process of passing your DNB OSCE practical exam is long and tedious, and one has to prepare smartly, practically involve oneself, and get guidance from the experts. These three days, of the DNB OSCE Course by Conceptual Orthopedicsaim to resolve various issues that orthopedics residents may face in their exams by providing them with pertinent knowledge, skills, and confidence.

We give a broad overview of the DNB OSCE Course, and what you will learn.

Why You Should Attend?

DNB OSCE practical examinations require not only theoretical cognition but also its application in numerous real-life clinical scenarios. So, this course should answer your doubts regarding examination preparation:

1. Concentration on Exam-Relevant Content

The course covers all subspecialties with emphasis on frequently asked topics such as Pediatric Orthopedics, Trauma, and Tumors. Each topic is very meticulously selected based on its significance number of times repeated in past exams and its importance in clinical practice.

2. Learning from Legends

You will get a very rare opportunity to meet face-to-face with some of the most reputable names in orthopedics, including but not limited to 

  • Prof. Dr S.M. Tuli, 
  • Prof Dr. Sudhir Kumar, 
  • Dr. Anil Dhal, 
  • Dr. Apurv Mehra,
  • And many others. 

All these faculty members bring with them a vast store of experience and an in-depth understanding of the DNB OSCE exam, thus providing you with the best possible guidance.

3. Simulations of the Examination

The course has mock OSCE examinationsclinical case discussions, and viva voices that consider many parameters to allow the candidate to understand the very specifics of the examinations. This real-time practical approach will help you understand the nature of the exam and gauge your time effectively, thus escalating your confidence to perform under pressure. 

4. Exclusive Resources

All participants have access to a complimentary OSCE book written by the Conceptual Orthopedics faculty. The content of this book includes the following:

  • Previously asked questions
  • High-yield topics
  • Mock OSCE stations

Excellent material to consolidate your learning and clarify your preparations.

How This Course Will Benefit You?

The DNB OSCE is all about a solid foundation for the career of a possible orthopedist, and this is the way it is meant to help you:

  • Confidence Builder: By actually practising under examination-like conditions with feedback from experts, you’ll go towards your examination feeling quite confident.
  • An Organized Approach: Learn to answer OSCE questions within 4 minutes, focusing on the key points that matter most.
  • Time Management: Discover proven strategies for clinical stations and viva sessions.
  • Know Your Marks: With tips and tricks unique to the illustrious teachers, you will know precisely how to increase your marks. 
What You Will Learn?
Comprehensive Coverage of Subspecialties

This course aims to cover all important areas including: 

  • Pediatric Orthopedics,
  • Trauma,
  • Tumors,
  • Arthroscopy, Spine, Joint Replacement, etc.

Every session has its focus on applying concepts to find their relevancy in exams.

Answering Strategies for OSCE

Learn how to write accurate and succinct answers:

  • Recognizing the key terms and points in each question,
  • Structuring your answers for brevity and clarity,
  • Applying theoretical knowledge to a more practical setting.
Clinical Case Discussions

Step into clinical cases for some room experience. They include ward rounds and table viva sessions. Such cases utilize exam conditions to help you to:

  • Approach a clinical case methodically,
  • Communicate clearly with examiners,
  • Highlight key findings during discussions.
Mock OSCE Exams

This course will include exam OSCEs designed in the style of the real one. The participants will receive feedback about their performance with:

  • Spotting pitfalls and how to avoid them,
  • Suggestions on how to speed up while improving accuracy and confidence.
What Makes this Course Different?
Expert Guidance
  • The faculty members carry an unparalleled level of experience and insight amounting to over 500 years combined.
Enhanced Curriculum

Student feedback has been utilized to update the course on the following:

  • All techniques concerning time management.
  • Newer writing strategies.
  • All-too-often neglected topics additional focus.
Interactive Learning

The face-to-face sessions offer a chance to interact directly with the faculty, raise questions, and clarify doubts on a real-time basis.


The DNB OSCE Course is an opportunity to change the whole way you study and prepare for future exams. It will enhance your clinical and practical skills and build up your confidence for passing those exams and beyond. 

Seize this chance—invest in your future, grow your skills, and bravely strive toward achieving all your orthopedic dreams. Enroll now to ensure your route to success! 


Anesthesia Residents

Circuits in Anesthesia Explained by Dr. Gurusanthiya


Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

So this is one of the very basic topics which each one of you would get either in a viva or in the basic science of anesthesiology as a long note or to describe any of the circuits which I’m going to discuss today and on the 16th for a short note as well. In viva you can be asked about the functional analysis of every circuit that you are reading and the functions of each part or what are the specifications for each part of these anesthesia circuits can be asked in any viva question which you are going to face and it will be a lifelong lesson for every one of you to know about these anesthesia circuits.

So basically what is the anesthesia circuit it is an assembly of components which connects the patient’s airway to the anesthesia machine and it is from this the artificial atmosphere and into which the patient will breathe throughout the anesthesia that you are administering. So this breathing circuits you have to know the history of how these breathing circuits evolved before we jump into the actual breathing systems. 

So somewhere it will be given as 1917 when Sir Ivan Magill devised the Magill circuit which is now present as Mapleson A circuit and somewhere in anesthesia museum, it will be given as in 1928 Sir Ivan Magill devised the Mapleson A circuit.

And in 1927 the Ralph M Walters, and Ralph Milton Walters devised this to-and-fro system of carbon dioxide canister. This has become very popular now because this canister can be autoclaved and it has a carbon dioxide absorber as well. So those patients who have got a respiratory infection such as tuberculosis they were using this machine in particular to autoclave it and then use it so that they can prevent the infection which can occur from patient to patient if they are using the anesthesia circuits.

And in 1937 Philips Ayer was the one who devised these specifications for pediatric systems as the ISTPs. Before then there were no gross circuits which were available for pediatric population. There was Mapleson A, B and C but there was no pediatric population could be served through the circuits because it would drag the endotracheal tube and lots of effort for spontaneous ventilation as well as controlled ventilation was there with all the Mapleson systems which were available back then.

And if you have to read about Ayre he is a very peculiar person who has got a cleft lip cleft palate himself and I think he got operated also. He is a very great person and he has suffered so much of personal losses yet he beautifully made these ISTPs to help people to help the pediatric population who would get anesthetized. And the revolutionary discovery was by Brain Sword with whom he devised a closed system closed circuit and this closed circuit is being modified and used nowadays with the carbon dioxide observer and this person is the person behind it.

One should not forget about the Mapleson system which was devised in 1954 William Mapleson gave actually five systems A, B, C, D and E. E’s modification became Jacksonry’s modified circuit E to make it as Jacksonry’s circuit which is F circuit. This was a milestone article which was published in the British Journal of Anesthesia. If anyone would be interested to know about how Mapleson classified all these systems we can go through this landmark article in BJA and this is another landmark article which was given by Dr. Bain and Sporell who they both devised the Bain circuit which we are using now which is again a modification of Mapleson D circuit and this circuit was long enough and this enabled the scavenging system for actively scavenging the anesthesia gases which are there in the which we are using day in and day out and William Sporell as well as Bain showed that as you can see in this picture they showed that scavenging also is possible through the suction system and they also anesthetized patients with cleft lip and cleft palate with Bain circuit and proved that without effective rebreeding patients can be anesthetized using Bain circuit which is again a modification of Mapleson D. And based on these anesthesia circuits these anesthesia circuits have a requirement which they should meet before using it up to a particular patient.

There are essential requirements and desirable requirements. The essential requirement is the one which has to be met for anaesthetizing the patient. So the primary requirement will be it should deliver the anesthetic gases as well as the fresh gas flow at the same concentration in the shortest time possible to the patient and these circuits should eliminate the carbon dioxide that the patient is producing as and when possible without a possibility of inhaling the carbon dioxide which the patient is expiring and the apparatus should have a minimal dead space apparatus dead space as possible and these systems should have a very low resistance.

So these are the essential requirements for the anesthesia breathing circuits and the desirable requirements are it should actually consume less fresh gas flow it should have conservation of heat and humidification of inspired air is one desired quality of breathing circuit and should be lightweight and inexpensive and it should be convenient for your usage like you should not hang hold the mask have a tight-fitting mask and the circuit should not drag you down or drag the endotracheal duct down because of its weight. 

So it should be convenient during usage whether it is spontaneous or controlled it should be efficient for both and it can be it should be useful for both adults and paediatrics there should be an effective scavenging system like as you can attach through veins a suction cannula or a suction apparatus at the APL well to vent the anesthetic gases so that will minimize the data pollution and you should prevent the patient from barotrauma and as I said it should be inexpensive and these breathing circuits are classified as two ways one is drips and another is the convoy and the convoy is a modified convoy so drips modified I mean devised these breathing systems based on the volume of the reservoir and the amount of rebreathing that is allowed within the circuit. So this system is not used nowadays because of the obvious disadvantages where he classified the systems into open semi-open, semi-closed and closed so in the open system there is no reservoir and no rebreathing in a semi-open there is a good reservoir but there is no rebreathing and in an an semi-closed there is a good reservoir and a partial rebreathing and in closed there is a reservoir and there is a complete rebreathing.

So what are the examples of these are drips gave it as the open method is open circuit is the one which is the ether by ether drop method which is a Schimelbusch method but do we really see a circuit in Schimmelbusch mask no it is just the mask which is held and a cloth which is put and then the ether is given as an open drop method there is no circuit which is involved in a Schimelbusch mask so this is again the first thing itself became an absolute one. He classified say Mapleson A to E as semi-open but some of them came with the notion that how can it be a open system when the APL valve is partially closed and you are allowing a partial rebreathing so and that again led to a controversy and there is another system called as a semi-closed system so what drips did was he said partial open APL valve in a closed circuit or in a complete circle system is a semi-open semi-closed circuit and a completely closed APL valve belongs to a closed circuit is what drips told so the obvious disadvantages are the Mapleson system itself can act as a semi-closed one as well as semi-open one and there is no clear cut data which says this system belongs to this and there is no circuit which is involved in the open drop method so then came the modified convoy there are so many methods of classifying so these two will be enough for us to know and modified convoy is the one where he classified the breathing systems into two without carbon dioxide absorption and with carbon dioxide absorption so based on the flow if there are any flow control valves or unidirectional flow is aided by a valve whether it be a Ruben valve or an unidirectional flow valve so if there is an unidirectional flow valve then it is an unidirectional system if there are no valves and the fresh gas flow as well as is flowing bidirectionally then it becomes a bidirectional flow so with carbon dioxide absorption the unidirectional system is the circle system and the bidirectional flow system is the waters to and fro canister and in breathing systems without carbon dioxide absorption the unidirectional flow is the non-repeating system and in bidirectional flow we have got the maplesons a b c lag system and the miller circuit and the humphreys ade system so this is the bidirectional flow.

To know more about it: Subscribe to the Conceptual Anesthesia


Anesthesia residency

Which is the Better Choice after Anesthesia Residency? Fellowship or Scholarship


Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

As Anesthesia residency comes to an end, residents struggle with the thought of what is next now. As you stand at this crossroads in your career, you need to carefully make up your mind. There are two alternative paths a fellowship or scholarship. These both have their respective boons, so you should choose carefully.

Let’s take a look at each to make a better decision.

Pursuing a Fellowship

Fellowship Provides very specialized training in certain areas of anesthesia, such as:

  • Pain management: Focusing itself on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain with nerve blocks and spinal injection tools.
  • Critical care medicine: This will prepare you to manage critically ill patients in an ICU setting.
  • Cardiac anesthesia: A subspecialty that is driven by anesthesiologists providing anesthesia for patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery.
  • Pediatric anesthesia: Training and specializing in providing anesthesia care to neonates, infants, and children.
  • Regional anesthesia and acute pain medicine: Focusing on nerve block anesthesia and managing post-surgical pain.
Benefits of a Fellowship
  • Career development: One becomes a subject-matter expert after finishing a fellowship, which opens opportunities in academia or leading hospitals.
  • A higher pay: In addition to being specialty certified, specialization also may increase looking at an increase in income.
  • Job satisfaction: You will more likely be excited to work in a niche area in anesthesia if it affords you the satisfaction that practices into your near and long-term goals. 
Choose Fellowship If:
  • You have a strong interest in one subspecialty of anesthesia.
  • You aspire to further enhance your skills while enhancing your chances at career opportunities.
  • You plan to work in an academic medicine or research-oriented position.
Pursuing for Scholarship (Research and Academia)

A scholarship route focuses on academic contribution, research, and teaching in the field of anesthesia. Scholars contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge while often working in academic institutions or an R&D organization.

The benefits of a scholarship route:
  • Contribution to Science: Help in new and ground-breaking research, from results to publications that can shape and change the future of anesthesia.
  • Teaching Role: Teaching and training future generations of anesthesiologists.
  • Flexible Career Track: Academic positions typically maintain a more reasonable work-life structure than clinical positions.
Consider a Scholarship If
  • You are passionate about research and innovation.
  • You enjoy teaching and contributing to academic development.
  • You want to become involved in global health initiatives or policymaking.
How to Decide Between a Fellowship and Scholarship?

The choice of paths ultimately depends on your priorities and long-term goals. Below are a few pointers for consideration:

  • Passion and Interest: Think about what exactly you are interested in. Are you interested in a certain clinical field or more geared towards research and teaching?
  • Finances: Fellowship training might pay a higher diagnostic salary, whereas in a scholarship, there might be a somewhat more stable income by being engaged in academic activities.
  • Work-Life Balance: Academic roles would often come with greater structure in terms of working hours, while fellowship-trained specialists tend to have lifestyles with on-call duties that are often heavy going.
  • Mentoring and Mentorship: Ask for advice from mentors and colleagues who have taken one of these paths.
  • Job Market: Research the demand for either subspecialists or academic positions in your area or area of interest. 
Are You Struggling with Your Residency?

Anesthesia residency is a tough call, filled with arduous hours and a rigorous schedule. Feeling lost? You’re not the alone. Conceptual Anesthesia is here for you with, personalized guidance, support, and resources towards your residency and in preparing yourself for whatever lies ahead. 

Start creating a future you’re excited about. Choose your path with confidence and let your career in anesthesia take off! 


OBG Residents

Why does Anemia Mukt Bharat recommend 60 mg of elemental iron during pregnancy? Dr. Aditya Nimbkar


Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

So, natural sources of iron are divided into three, one is the best ones come under good sources and the ones that come under very poor sources, are basically useless sources. So, when I say the best sources, it includes meat, meat can be from any source, it can be from any animal, apart from that fish, apart from that you are also going to have egg yolk and finally a bit of vegetarian, a little bit of beans. Good sources include leafy vegetables, I have cereals, I have ragi, I also have dates and for poor sources, I have milk-based products.

Now, you would ask me the dates. The problem is dates, which is date is very expensive, so not all women, especially in our country where women come from low socioeconomic status, not all women can afford that So, let us think about one question that you are going to be asked in your exam and that question happens to be jaggery.

A lot of examiners love asking this question why don’t you tell Jaggery? Jaggery was a very good source of iron, especially in our country where jaggery is fortified with iron. I will never mention, I will never mention neither to my patients nor to my examiners jaggery as an answer for a good source of iron. The reason is the amount of jaggery that is required to be consumed, to be able to provide with that adequate required amount of iron per day during pregnancy or even in a non-pregnant state is too high.

If you are consuming that much of an amount of jaggery, especially during pregnancy when there is going to be insulin resistance in the second and third trimester, physiological insulin resistance, you are giving rise to that female having gestational diabetes mellitus. So in one comorbidity, you are giving her another much more dangerous comorbidity, which is why jaggery can never be the answer. One possible answer is cooking with iron utensils, but you also need to remember that in India, iron utensils which are used, leave aside India, if you use it anywhere, can be oxides, ferrous oxide, and ferric oxide, all these can become compounds which can be even toxic to people, which is why I would want to prefer not using just iron utensils and cooking in iron utensils, especially in India I said because the iron utensils that are available in India, they are not purely iron, they also contain other metals and those other metals are added to it to be able to sustain that temperature, high temperatures.

So the toxic radicals that can be formed because of heating food in it can be deleterious, they can be very bad, detrimental for a female or any human health, which is why cooking in iron utensils is a good way to know, but given the fact that the government gives us iron and folic acids for free, tablets for free, I wouldn’t want to risk that female towards the development of the toxicity by that. Fine. So you would ask me, okay, what if it’s a female who is having a mixed diet, she’s eating good enough amounts of non-vegetarian diet, and I can just supplement her with a lot of non-vegetarian diets?

Remember, a non-vegetarian diet can also lead to hyper triglyceridemia, basically dyslipidemia, and to also make it palatable, there are a lot of other spices, oils, and a lot of products that are added to it, which though it can be made palatable, it can be again deleterious from a dyslipidemia point of view. You would ask me to increase the good sources, but then how much can a female have beefy vegetables, how many cereals can she have, and the other side effects, amino acid deficiencies that come with it, they cannot be supplemented, which is why increasing the natural sources of iron as a way to supplement iron is not a great way. Still, if you tell me that I have managed it somehow, I have made a good enough diet chart for this female, and I believe that should be adequate for her to be able to supplement her daily needs.

Let us understand why even that is not the best way ahead. The reason is that even if I eat the best combination of all of these, my daily consumption that is going to happen, my daily diet that is going to come, this daily diet will still just contain around 10-20 mg of elemental iron. We speak of iron in terms of how much elemental iron is.

So elemental iron is only going to contain 10-20 mg. 10-20 mg, what is the daily recommended allowance in pregnancy? The daily recommended allowance in pregnancy happens to be 6-7 mg of elemental iron per day. So you would say that here you are getting 10-20%, which is an excellent thing, but you need to understand that when you are giving it through the oral route, not all is going to be absorbed, a lot of it is going to be wasted.

A lot, 90% is wasted and only 10% is absorbed. So when I say 10%, it is only 1-2 mg of elemental iron that is going to be absorbed. And 1-2 mg is too low in comparison to the recommended daily allowance in pregnancy and lactation states.

Which is also why Anemia Mukta Bharat, which is a program that is formulated by the government for the correction of anemia in adolescents and reproductive age women and pregnant and lactating women, is basically a program that has been more focused on women and children and adolescents to reduce the rates of anemia in our country. The tablets that they provide for free, those tablets which come in two forms, a red tablet and a blue tablet, both of them contain 60 mg of elemental iron. Because they understand that when 60 mg is absorbed in 10%, then 6 mg is absorbed.

And if 6 mg is absorbed, that is going to be adequate for me in terms of my recommended daily allowance and hence the pregnancy demand is going to be sufficed. This is a very easy way to remember, earlier the older guidelines said that 100 mg of elemental iron should be given but no, the current guidelines say that 60 mg of elemental iron is sufficient enough for a female to be able to maintain her hemoglobin at the normal level. This is why 60 mg of elemental iron is present in both these capsules, red and blue.

You would ask me why do we have to make two different capsules, both have 60 mg of elemental iron with 500 microgram of folic acid. What is the difference? Why do I have two different tablets? I could have just made it red. Because red is for reproductive-age women pregnant women and lactating women, whereas blue is for adolescents.

You would still say, why should I not give it to adolescents? It is because there can be a social stigma that my daughter who is a 16-year-old in especially tribal and village areas, they would say that a female who is pregnant in the village is also taking a red capsule and a girl who is an adolescent 16-year-old, she is also getting the same capsule of red colour. That stigma might make them think that that adolescent girl is getting an overdose because she is not pregnant and say that they may not end up giving birth. Plus red color justifies menstruation, pregnancy, and lactating states, which is why this has been kept as a stigma to prevent it.

And so that adolescents do not end up thinking that I am being given a woman’s thing for They do not know the doses inside that. They just know that I have to take this pill. This is why blue capsule is given to adolescents.

It is given once a week, by the way, we will be talking about this later, but still once a week, whereas the red capsule, reproductive age, which is given to all three, is given once per day in a normal female and twice per day in a female who already has iron deficiency anemia. So that is the logic behind Anemia Mukta Bharat’s 60 mg elemental iron with 500 mg polyacetamide. But this is the logic behind why we give supplements of iron.

We give it in the form of tablets, we give it in the form of capsules and why we do not rely purely on the basis of just diet.


Surgery Residents

Which Path Should You Choose After Surgery Residency? Fellowship vs. Scholarship


Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Completing a surgical residency is a great milestone. But what Next? Should you go into further specialization through a fellowship or do research with a scholarship? Both are very different from each other and both have advantages and disadvantages, and the decision would depend on your career objectives, interests, and priorities. Let’s read this blog to get more clarity.

The Fellowship Path: Specializing for Precision

A fellowship is the next obvious step for surgeons as they always want to specialise in a particular practice area. The fellowship period allows advanced training that focuses on some specific areas. A fellowship provides advanced training in a surgical subspecialty, such as:

  • Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • Surgical Oncology
  • Trauma and Critical Care
  • Transplant Surgery
  • Pediatric Surgery
Why Choose a Fellowship?
  1. Mastery of a Subspecialty: Fellowship provides intensive training, which helps you become an expert in the chosen field. Such expertise differentiates you from others in the job market, which is otherwise competitive.
  2. Higher Earning Potential: Specialists tend to be paid more than general surgeons, which means a fellowship would be a long-term investment for better pay.
  3. Job Market Demand: The need for specialized care by the healthcare industry necessitates an increasing number of highly advanced surgeons.
  4. Academic and Leadership Opportunities: Fellowships typically pave the way to academic jobs, research experience, and medical facility leadership opportunities.
Challenges to Consider:
  • Extended Training: Fellowships usually take 1 and 3 years, making your training more time-consuming.
  • Heavy Workload: The intense schedule and challenging cases can be challenging.
The Scholarship Path: 

A scholarship is best suited for surgeons interested in academic medicine and innovation. Research areas include clinical trials, surgical innovations, and healthcare policies.

Advantages of a Scholarship:
  • Research Expertise: A scholarship provides the opportunity to get into research, potentially contributing to breakthrough discoveries in medicine.
  • Academic career advancement: Helping you on your way to becoming a professor, a department head, or even a thought leader in surgery.
  • Influence Beyond the OR: These research-oriented careers entail the formulation of surgical practices, policies, and innovations in the community, hence it increases your impact.
  • Global Recognition: You and your research will be published; international conferences, ideas, and projects will get you that professional recognition you need.
Disadvantages of having a Scholarship: 
  • Limited Clinical Practice: Research-oriented positions may involve taking a step back from the operating room.
  • Lower Immediate Financial Returns: Compared to a fellowship, scholarships do not necessarily translate into immediate financial payback, especially if your interest is in academia.
  • Competitive Grants: Funding for research can be very competitive and time-consuming.
Making the Choice: Key Factors to Consider
  • Career Goals: Do you have a passion for patient care and clinical practice? Then fellowship is the way to go. If you are interested in innovation and academic contributions, then a scholarship would be the better choice.
  • Work-Life Balance: Fellowships are often very long hours in the OR, whereas research can be more predictable.
  • Financial Priorities: If financial independence and higher earnings are your goals, a fellowship might provide quicker rewards. Scholarships can offer long-term gains but may involve initial sacrifices.
  • Personal Interests: Do you love the precision and focus of surgery, or are you fascinated by the broader challenges and discoveries in medicine?
Conclusion: Align with Your Passion

Both fellowships and scholarships are transformative, offering unique opportunities to grow. The key is self-reflection—understand your priorities and seek guidance from mentors. Whether you choose the precision of surgery or the innovation of research, both paths lead to impactful careers in medicine.

Remember, there’s no wrong choice—only the one that aligns with your ambitions. Choose wisely, and shape your legacy in the world of surgery.


Medicine Residents

Why Should New Junior Residents (JRs) Join Conceptual Medicine?


Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Starting your journey as junior resident (JR) in medicine is a big step. Medicine residency brings new challenges and opportunities to grow as a physician, but it can also be overwhelming with its intense schedule and complex learning curve. This is where eConceptual comes which offers a platform Conceptual Medicine designed to make your residency smoother, more manageable, and highly rewarding.

Here’s why joining Conceptual Medicine is the best decision for new medicine residents:

  1. Learn from the Best Faculty
  • Conceptual Medicine ensures that all learning material is created and delivered by top faculties of internal medicine.
  • The faculty members are not only teachers but also people who have the experience and knowledge to share beyond the textbooks.
  • You will have access to content rich in clinical insights, helping you build a strong foundation for your future as a medicine resident.
  1. Flexible Learning for Busy Residents
  • We know how busy life can be while on a medicine residency program. Between hours in the hospital and your commitments to study, finding time to learn can be difficult.
  • Conceptual Medicine has what you need in terms of live lectures and video content that’s available when you want it.
  • Learn anywhere, anytime, at your pace—be it on your break during rounds or at home after a long day.
  1. Interactive and Engaging Content
  • Medical concepts can be somewhat difficult to understand, and if you don’t have time to read about all of them, Conceptual Medicine uses 3D models, case studies, and dynamic flowcharts to make such complex topics easily understandable.
  • The site also has an active community where you can discuss your doubts, share your knowledge, and learn with peers and experts.
  1. Full Coverage of What Residents Need
  • From basic principles to advanced clinical skills, Conceptual Medicine covers every aspect of what you’ll need to excel in your internal medicine residency programs.
  • The content is updated regularly, keeping you informed about the latest trends and practices in the medical field. This comprehensive approach ensures you’re always prepared for real-life challenges.
  1. Focused Exam Preparation
  • Preparing for exams like MD, DNB, and NEET SS can be stressful. Conceptual Medicine provides tools such as a question bank, timed mock exams, and other resources to help you focus on what matters most.
  • Whether it is mastering tough topics or improving time management, the platform ensures you are ready to tackle exams with confidence.
  1. Premium Features for a Superior Learning Experience

When you subscribe to the premium plan, you unlock more features such as:

  • Live Lectures for real-time interaction with faculty
  • Pre-recorded videos for anytime access
  • Comprehensive Notes for quick revision
  • Daily tools like Flashcards
  • Case Studies
  • Question of the Day
  • Image of the Day


As a new medicine resident, your residency years are crucial for building the skills and knowledge that will shape your career. Conceptual Medicine offers everything you need to succeed—expert faculty, flexible learning options, interactive resources, and focused exam preparation. It’s not just a learning platform, it’s a companion that helps you navigate the challenges of medical residency programs and achieve your goals.

Joining Conceptual Medicine ensures that you’re not just surviving your residency medicine program, but thriving in it. Make the smart choice today and give your residency the boost it deserves!


Radiology Residents

Career as a Radiologist: Career Path, Courses, Salary & Scope


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Radiology is one of the most demanding branch-after medical specialities in its new avatar that combines advanced technology with patient care functions. Radiologists help in diagnosing and treating diseases by employing various imaging techniques, including X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasounds. If you find the idea of merging medicine with modern technology exciting, a career in radiology might be the right choice for you.

This article will take you through the career path, courses, salary prospects, and scope of radiology so that you get to know what it takes to emerge in this vibrant industry.

Who is a Radiologist?

A radiologist is a medical doctor who interprets medical images to diagnose, monitor, and sometimes treat diseases. They often work closely with other physicians to provide accurate diagnoses that drive patient treatment cases.

Radiologists can specialize in:

  • Diagnostic Radiology: Interpreting imaging results to diagnose.
  • Interventional Radiology: Performing minimally invasive procedures guided by imaging.
  • Nuclear Medicine: Using radioactive materials in diagnosis and treatment.
Path of Radiologist Career
  1. Complete a Bachelor’s degree

Complete any of the MBBS degrees which is equivalent to a degree in medicine and surgery.

  1. Cleared NEET-PG

Create and qualify for NEET-PG to secure admission into postgraduate radiology courses.

  1. Postgraduate courses.

After completing their MBBS degree, students go for specialization by enrolling and studying in postgraduate courses such as MD in Radiology, DNB in Radiology, and DMRD.

  1. Consider super-specialization

Engage in a fellowship or a super-specialization course in Interventional RadiologyPediatric Radiology, or Oncologic Imaging to become a doctor of high standards.

  1. Certification and Licensing

Certification must be obtained from relevant medical boards and registered with the Medical Council of India, or other relevant authorities. 

Current Radiology Courses Available:

Here is the list of popular courses available in

  • MD in Radiology- Three-Year Course
  • DMRD- Two Year Course
  • DNB in Radiology- Three-Year Course
  • Fellowship Programs in advanced imaging techniques
Skills to Pursue a Career in Radiology
  • Medical imaging technologies
  • Analytical and diagnostic techniques
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to communicate with other health professionals
  • Love learning how to work with evolving technologies
Salary of a Radiologist

Radiology certainly comes among the highest-paying branches in employment. The salary of radiologists will depend on factors like:- experience, specialization, and location.

  • Salary offered to entry-level super-specialists in India would be in the range of ₹8–12 LPA(Lakhs Per Annum).
  • An experienced radiologist earns between ₹25–40 LPA or above.
  • International Salary: The radiologists in the USA and UK get paid somewhere around $300,000 a year.

Interventional radiologists and other advanced specializations earn more.

Scope of Radiology in India and Abroad

The need for radiologists is sharply increasing with the advances in healthcare technology along with the need for the early detection of diseases.

In India:

  • Hospitals and diagnostics are always on the lookout for qualified radiologists.
  • Career opportunities for teleradiology have been opening up, where you can work from anywhere.
  • The ever-increasing demand for interventional radiology.


  • The USA, UK, Canada, and Australia give good opportunities for qualified radiologists.
  • Teleradiology is gaining more ground internationally, giving some visa benefits for upcoming international healthcare providers for Indian radiologists. 
Why Choose a Career in Radiology?
  • High demand: Radiology is a major part of modern healthcare, and this factor does ensure job security.
  • Good salary: Radiologists tend to be among the highest-paid professionals.
  • Technological progress: Some aspects would involve working with advanced technologies like AI and robotics.
  • Specialties: Several options are available such as working in diagnostic or interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, or pediatric radiology.
Role of Conceptual Radiology During Your Residency

Conceptual Radiology is the ultimate learning partner for residents that helps them better understand the depth of radiology training. This platform offers richly curated content, case-based learning modules, and interactive quizzes to help solidify your grasp of key concepts. It closes the gap between theory and practice, allowing you to confidently interpret imaging studies and provide accurate diagnoses.

It also offers expert insights, exam-focused resources, and real-life case discussions to help you ace your radiology residency program and build a strong foundation for your career. Conceptual Radiology simplifies complex topics and fosters a structured approach to learning, ensuring you stay ahead in your residency journey while gaining the skills needed to excel in the ever-evolving field of radiology.


Being a radiologist, a profession that mixes intellectual challenge with modern technology and rewarding pay is a perfect balance. Whether it’s a hospital or a diagnostic centre radiology builds massive growth and satisfaction.

With an obvious pathway, specialized courses, and an ever-burgeoning scope, this is probably the most rewarding medical profession. If you come from a medical and technology background, now’s the time to consider this fascinating journey! 

It allows a person a wide scope for growth and ample monetary rewards, as well. In both, the specialities of diagnostic as well as interventional radiology, the practice is vibrant and action-oriented. With support from sources such as Conceptual Radiology, it equips an individual to master practical knowledge along with theoretical learning.


Orthopedics Residents

Why Junior Residents Should Join Conceptual Orthopedics?


Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Residency is an important phase in the journey of any medical professional, especially in orthopedics where, theory, as well as clinical skills, are equally important. For junior residents, it’s essential to have access to high-quality learning must be provided for them along with mentorship and hands-on training to attain excellence in academics and clinical assignments. Here’s where Conceptual Orthopedics (CO) comes into play because it provides a wholesome learning platform for junior orthopedic residents.

If you are a newly joined JR starting your journey into the world of residency, then here is why joining Conceptual Orthopedics is a decision worth making in your career.

1. Comprehensive High-Quality Video Lectures
  • One such remarkable feature that makes Conceptual Orthopedics stand out among the crowd is the professionally articulated HQ video lectures.
  • These are designed by a group of legendary faculty members with years of experience serving as MS/DNB Orthopedics examiners
  • These lectures cover every important topic from basic principles to advanced concepts for you to learn the core tenets of orthopedics.
2. Exclusive Clinical Case Demonstrations
  • As a resident, you must become familiar with clinical examination techniques and case presentations. 
  • At Conceptual Orthopedics, you will get a live class on clinical case demonstration:
  • With this approach, you will be ready to put into practice your skills in hospitals, thus making you one step ahead.
3. Unmatched Mentorship Programs

Mentorship can either make or mar your residency experience. By joining the Conceptual Orthopedics, you will have access to the following:

  • Live interactive sessions with legendary faculties
  • Doubt-clearing sessions to tackle any confusion
  • Thesis guidance to smoothen your academic journey

These programs are designed to give an assured standard education for every learner so that when it is followed, one can attain the confidence to excel in exams and clinical practice as well.

4. Workshops and Courses Acquainted with CO Signature Programs

Conceptual Orthopedics provides CO Signature Programs, which consists of the following:

  1. CO Signature Offline Programs: Here you will get various offline courses to enhance your skills and get the chance to meet legendary faculty face-to-face. CO Signature Program Offline are:
  1. CO Signature Offline Programs: These courses simplify complex topics, allowing you to deepen your knowledge at your own pace. CO Signature Program Online are:

Such an alignment of practical and theoretical courses ensures you whole-some learning, paving the path for success in your residency and beyond.

5. Access to Premium Resources

Orthopedic residents need appropriate learning materials to prepare effectively for exams and clinical practice, premium membership at Conceptual Orthopedics gives you unlimited access to:

  • A set of 13 hardcopy books, covering every important topic in orthopedics.
  • Theory notes, solved question papers, and viva training to specialize in your exam preparation
  • MCQ question banks and live discussions to sharpen your problem-solving skills

These materials are designed to fulfill all your academic and clinical necessities, thus, saving you many hours looking for genuine materials elsewhere.

Note: These study materials are exclusively for the premium members.


Joining Conceptual Orthopedics during your residency most certainly guarantees a successful orthopedic career. High-quality lectures about case demonstrations, mentorship programs, workshops, and premium resources will cover all academic and clinical requirements for junior residents.

Residency is the foundation of your orthopedic career. Don’t leave it this chance to facilitate yourself with proper knowledge, mentorship and study resources.

Are you ready to take your residency to the next level? Sign up for Conceptual Orthopedics today, and grow into that confident and proficient orthopedic specialist. Helpline No: +91-9999123647, +91-9999664864


Surgery Residents

Why Should New JRs Join Conceptual Surgery: A Complete Guide


Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

A surgical residency is a completely new journey for junior residents. This is the stage at which junior residents can complete themselves and nurture their skills in the professional world. Conceptual Surgery is an ideal choice for surgical residents since it is the most rewarding opportunity for them in terms of personal growth, learning, and professional development. Continue reading this blog to know why Conceptual Surgery should be a first choice.

1. Comprehensive HQ Videos and Training Program 

It offers training programs that will provide a firm foundation for surgical residents. Whether you are a first-year resident or are continuing your journey into the world of general surgery residency, you will have access to different surgical procedures, clinical scenarios, and cutting-edge techniques. That would make Conceptual Surgery one of the best general surgery residency platforms available today.

2. Expert Mentorship and Collaborative Learning

To become an effective resident in general surgery, one needs mentorship from the very experienced. Conceptual Surgery provides qualified and experienced surgeons for a JR as mentors who offer useful feedback and support on their journey throughout the surgical residency. More importantly, the cooperative learning environment of this setting also fosters peer-to-peer interaction so that the surgery residents may learn from the experiences of their peers.

3. Specialty Resources for Surgical Residency Programs

Becoming a proficient resident in general surgery requires guidance from expert professionals. Conceptual Surgery provides its resources depending on what you need for your program. From basic surgical tricks to rehearsal of complicated procedures, our platform throws light on residents’ peculiar requirements in general surgery. These customizations equip you to maybe always stay a step ahead in your training.

4. Exclusive Study Material and Books

Conceptual Surgery not only provides lectures but also provides a Set of 2 booksClinical Examination of Surgery and Surgery Q Bank Multiple Choice Question Bank. These exclusive books are crafted by the experienced faculty of Conceptual Surgery, keeping in mind the needs and requirements of surgery residents. The set of two books is the complete package and is available only for the premium subscribers of Conceptual Surgery.

Click Here: To have a look at these exclusive Surgery books.

4. Career Path Blessings

With success in surgery, a solid foundation should begin. Conceptual Surgery believes to fit right in, it would help indeed in your general surgery residency. Whether it is availing skill development, clearing board-certifying exams, or moving into management of a medical practice, we shall pave the way for you. 

5. Commitments for Surgical Residency 

Conceptual Surgery helps you make yourself better. It nourishes the evidence-based practice of surgical education, innovative pedagogic approaches, and interpersonal and collegial support that our platform provides you in striving during your surgical residency. It’s no surprise that residents in general surgery and surgical residency programs trust Conceptual Surgery worldwide. 

So why Conceptual Surgery? 

If you are a new JR who is entering the world of surgical residency, Conceptual Surgery has for you:

  • Complete training modules phrased for general surgery residency.
  • Involved in furthering health information technology going into it with medical practice management.
  • Mentorship and team spirit learning context by experts.
  • Uncommon resources for you as a surgical residency program.
  • Career backers to develop you toward your goals.

Joining Conceptual Surgery will not only be one more step in your training journey but also an investment in your future endeavours. As one of the leading platforms of general surgery residency, we are committed to forming future generations of surgeons. Jump in today and join us in revolutionizing your residency! 


Radiology Residency

Why New JRs Should Join Conceptual Radiology?


Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Radiology is such a vast branch, with tremendous areas of exploration that you’ll only discover while beginning your residency in this field. As a radiology resident, this will be a huge step towards turning into an experienced and self-assured professional. This is the time when you need a platform that fills the gap between your theoretical and practical knowledge. Conceptual Radiology is tailored for radiology residents to gain complete resources required for outshines during the radiology residency program. It is designed to keep in mind your busy schedule and requirements.  Let us see how and why this affiliation with Conceptual Radiology is a turntable for the resident.

1. Complete Resource Tools for the Residents of Radiology

Conceptual Radiology offers you a huge number of materials intended for radiology residents. Here, you can find clinical radiology guides, information on medical physics, and tutorials on the latest developments. Our premium membership provides unlimited access to get into into radiology residency training and improve your knowledge step by step.

2. Interactive Ultrasound Demonstration Videos

Ultrasound imaging is the foundation of radiology residencyConceptual Radiology has a vast repository of ultrasound demonstration videos that would help residents become proficient in this basic skill. These videos are designed to break down complex ideas into simple language, making radiology for residents more accessible and effective.

3. Exclusive Study Material and Books

Conceptual Radiology exclusively offers a set of 7 books only for its premium subscribers. These books are created by the legendary faculty of Conceptual radiology to help the residents learn the concepts of radiology, radiology anatomy- practice cases, and spotter cases in radiology to sharpen their diagnostics skills.

Click Here: To learn check the Conceptual Radiology books.

4. Easy Exam Preparation

One of the major components of training during radiology residency is acing exams. Conceptual Radiology’s exam-prep utilities help you ace tests with confidence. With comprehensive question banks, mock tests, and detailed explanations, you will be fully equipped to succeed in even the best radiology residency programs.

5. Stay Ahead with Medical Physics and Recent Advances

Keeping up with advancements in medical physics and radiology technology is essential for any radiology residentConceptual Radiology provides the latest updates and insights, ensuring you’re always ahead of the curve. By staying informed, you’ll set yourself apart in the competitive field of radiology residency.

6. Flexible Learning with Premium Membership

Our premium membership unlocks unlimited access to all our resources, from clinical radiology tutorials to the best examination tools. Conceptual Radiology gives any time and flexible exposure to learning so radiology residents can balance their time for training with continuous learning.

Why Choose Conceptual Radiology? 

Joining Conceptual Radiology means:

  • Comprehensive resources for radiology residency training.
  • Extensive library of ultrasound demonstration videos.
  • Exclusive Study material and books.
  • Updates on medical physics and state-of-the-art innovation.
  • Unlimited learning with our premium membership.

Conceptual Radiology is your partner to achieve excellence in your radiology residency. Whether you are focusing on the best residency programs for radiology or wish to enhance your expertise in clinical radiology, our platform has you covered.

Take the next step in your journey as a radiology resident today. Join Conceptual Radiology and experience how the right support and resources can transform your residency experience!
