Surgery Books

From Residency to NEET SS Topper: The Two Must-Have Surgery Books!


Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Surgery residency is one of the tough residencies, where knowledge, skill, and confidence determine success. So surgical residents require the proper tools to survive the surgery residency and manage their study and practice. Many residents are worried about the right study material for their residency and NEET SS preparation. So Conceptual Surgery brings two exclusive books for their subscribers.

Why are these two books so important?

Conceptual Surgery provides a set of two books: Surgery Q Bank Multiple Choice Question Bank and Clinical Examination of Surgery. These two books are your survival kit for learning surgical knowledge and clinical mastery. These two essentials will not just guide you through your residency, but also position you for NEET SS exam success.

1. Surgery Q Bank: Multiple Choice Question Bank

NEET SS preparation is a maze of unlimited information, but the Surgery Q Bank simplifies it with carefully crafted MCQs by the legendary faculty of Conceptual Surgery

What makes this book a must-buy?
  • Expert-Crafted Content- Designed by top surgeons, guaranteeing correctness and applicability.
  • Methodical Learning- Categorized by systems, enabling you to address weaknesses effectively.
  • Varied Question Types- Includes image-based questions, clinical vignettes, and high-yield past questions.
  • Integrated Learning- Designed to complement Conceptual Surgery’s premium app videos, reinforcing fundamental concepts.
  • Efficiency for Busy Schedules- Strikes a balance between depth and concision, enabling residents to study without sacrificing clinical responsibilities.
Why is it different from other sources?

Surgery Q Bank is not just about how to pass an exam or it is not just like other random material available in the market—it’s about establishing a strong foundation in surgery, turning you into a confident, competent surgeon. 

If you want to top the NEET SS exam, this book is mandatory.

Click here to check the sample

2. Concept of Clinical Examination in Surgery:

Knowledge is incomplete without application. Surgery is a practical profession, and proficiency in clinical examination is the pillar of being a competent doctor. This Concept of Clinical Examination in Surgery book is planned to make you a master in bedside examination, history-taking, and case presentation—qualities that identify an ideal resident.

What makes this book a must-buy?
  • Hands-On Approach- Emphasizes practical clinical techniques, not theory alone.
  • Case-Based Learning- Teaches residents to navigate case presentations to score top marks in ward rounds and exams.
  • Quick Reference- Diagrams and bullet points simplify revision.
  • Step-by-Step Mastery- Describes major general surgery systems in a step-by-step manner for a comprehensive examination.
  • Ideal Supplement to Video Learning- Utilize the best conceptual surgery app clinical exam videos for the full learning experience.

The patient is a surgeon’s best teacher, but having this book as a reference will make you go into each case with confidence, clarity, and precision.

Click here to check the sample

How These Books Will Change Your Residency
  • Saves Time: Brief but detailed, ideal for residents who are balancing clinical responsibilities and studies.
  • Builds Confidence: No more guessing—achieve clarity in theory and application.
  • Improves Exam Results: Get well-prepared for NEET SS with organized learning and high-yield concepts.
  • Gap Between Theory & Practice: Master MCQs and bedside examination using a single study material.
How do you purchase Conceptual Surgery Books?

These two must-have books are only accessible to Premium Subscribers of Conceptual Surgery with minimal courier charges. Conceptual Surgery subscribers can access quality books, expert advice, and special study materials that will assist you in acing your surgery residency and NEET SS preparation


Surgery Residency is challenging, but with the help of proper resources, it doesn’t feel daunting. Surgery Q Bank Multiple Choice Question and Concept of Clinical Examination in Surgery are not books—they’re survival guides, confidence builders, and ultimate guides to surgical success. 

Don’t let the pressure destroy your residency—get your copies now and take charge of your surgical residency. Start your residency confidently with the books of Conceptual Surgery. 


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